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Php training in Jaipur

The best Php training in Jaipur is provided by a IKaizen institute. PHP means Hypertext pre-processor that is earlier known as Personal Home Page. It is developed by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994. It is a server-side scripting language that is used to create web applications or static and dynamic websites. It is a widely used open-source general-purpose language. PHP is joined with a number of databases like MySQL, Oracle, etc. We have both Php basics and advanced Php course.

PHP Training Syllabus

  • HTML Tags
  • Forms
  • Tables
  • CSS Introduction
  • Three Ways Of CSS
  • Properties
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Bootstrap
  • Website
  • Client
  • Server
  • HTTP
  • LStatic vs Dynamic
  • Embed PHP
  • Syntax
  • Variables
  • Constants
  • Datatypes
  • Operators
  • HTML Form & PHP
  • Capture Data
  • Multivalued Field
  • Submit & Action
  • Decision Making
  • Loop
  • Functions
  • String
  • Arrays
  • Pattern Matching
  • Files & Directories
  • State Management
  • Cookies
  • Sessions
  • Image Generation
  • Text In Image
  • File Upload
  • Include & Require
  • Modular Coding
  • MySQL Intro
  • Connect
  • DML Operations
  • Fetch
  • Join
  • Class
  • Objects
  • Constructor
  • Destructor
  • Properties
  • Access Control
  • Static
  • $this
  • Class Constant
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Parent:: & Self::
  • Instanceof
  • Abstract
  • Interface
  • Final
  • Exception Handling
  • MVC
  • Cake PHP Intro
  • CodeIgniter Intro
  • Laravel Intro
  • Any One Framework
  • Model
  • View
  • Controller
  • Controller – View
  • Controller – Model
  • Session Management
  • Content Mgmt
  • Wordpress
  • User Interface
  • Plugins
  • Themes
  • Content Mgmt In WP
  • Drupal
  • Joomla
  • Magento
  • File Uploading
  • Server file editing
  • Knowledge of FTP how to use

Contents of Php basics: -

  • Introduction of Php
  • Php Syntax
  • SQL Basics
  • How to connect web pages with databases
  • How to develop web pages with Php

Apart from these concepts, you will learn more basics on Php. You can learn how to build web pages easily because HTML can be embedded into these web pages. With the help of small Php understanding, you can create an amazing website.

Contents of advanced Php: -

  • Control structures used in PHP
  • Working with form data
  • How to work with cookies and sessions
  • The advanced Php techniques
  • CRUD operations.

This is just an overview of the contents of advanced Php. There is much more in advanced Php. You will many new concepts that are introduced in IT technology. If you have an understanding of the basic Php concepts that you can easily learn advanced Php.

In the IT industry, web developers are in demand on a larger scale who can work on the latest technologies. In every company, there is a large number of web developers who are working for the improvement of company websites.

The new features introduced in websites are with the help of these web developers. Php programming course is on the latest technology which will help you to become a web developer.

Features of Php: -

  • It is one of the most simplest programming languages.
  • It also ensures the security of the websites and data.
  • It is also a flexible language.
  • It is a very familiar language.

These are a few characteristics of the Php which makes it friendly for the web developers. The Php developer course is the easiest course for learning web development. The students who want to pursue their careers in the web development domain then they should learn PHP basics and advanced PHP course syllabus.

Where Php is used?

Php is only used for web development. There are many famous websites which are based on Php programming language. For example:

  • Social sites like Facebook and Digg.
  • Blog like WordPress and Voomla.
  • Ecommerce like OpenCart and magneto.
  • Others like yahoo and many more.

These are a few examples of websites that are developed by Php programming language. So, learn Php for web development. Apart from these websites, there are many more websites that are extremely famous. Be the part of these outstanding companies like Facebook, OpenCart and many more. Php for beginners is the best course to get a highly paid job in the IT industry.

How Php programming language is helpful in the future?

Php is a good career option. There are many reasons behind this why it is a good option for the career: -

  • Web development applications are increasing every day. So, it will be beneficial for you if you have a knowledge of Php to get a good opportunity in the well known IT company.
  • As it is highly secure so it ensures the security of websites and data of the database that is connected to the website. So, if you know how to ensure the website security you will be hired by any of the known companies.
  • It provides many new features and many new frameworks that are up to the mark and if you want to be the web developer then you should know about all the latest features.

These are some benefits for you that you should know. There are many frameworks provided by the Php which ensures the authenticity of the websites. Php is free and open-source. It is supported by all the operating systems. With the help of Php, you can restrict access to website web pages.

Creative web pixel is the best Php training institute of Jaipur. We have Php programming course experts who help you to learn Php from basics to advanced. They have a knowledge of various latest frameworks like Laravel and many other new frameworks. They will start from the basics so that even if you have zero knowledge then also you will easily grab their points. They will explain to you the syntax. Even if you don’t understand at one time you can ask again and clear your doubts. We are here to give best Php coaching in Jaipur.

How to learn Php programming step by step? That’s a big question that arises in your mind. But you don’t worry we are here to help you. We will start the course from the very basic introduction so that you will get what Php is all about, what are the uses of Php and many more. These few points make a clear picture of Php in your mind so that you can focus on the web development domain.

Web development will not only help you to get a high paying job but you can also earn money from home. You can create your own websites and earn a huge amount of money. You can develop websites for others also by just sitting at home and work according to your leisure time. So, Php certification is very useful for you if you have a creative mind and wants to show your creativity.

These live projects will help you to enhance your creativity and explore more in web development. It will also help you to learn more about the latest technologies in web development. So, learn Php from basics to advanced. We provide Php training in Jaipur under professional trainers. We also conduct expert sessions for you. We also take you for an interactive session with experts.

Php is a user-friendly language. You will understand it in a very short period. It is supported by all the web servers. We can also write HTML inside the web pages contained by the website. It is easily extended by all the other languages. There are millions of websites that are developed by the php programming language. So, learn one of the easiest languages.

You can also learn SQL from a creative web pixel. SQL stands for Structured Query language. It is used to store, retrieve and manage data in the relational database. It performs various tasks like creating the database, updates data on the database tables, inserting a value in the database and many more operations are performed under SQL. SQL is used to manipulate the data in the database. If you want to become are web developer, then you must have a basic knowledge of SQL operations.

SQL training courses helps you manage your data appropriately. it is high in demand. It is not only used in the Php programming language but it is also used in many other programming languages. So, learning SQL is worth it. It is easy to use and learn. Learn Php and MYSQL from the best Php training institute in Jaipur. Get the hands-on the latest technology in web development. Get the hands-on the highest paying jobs in web development domains. Get the hands-on work which you can do in your leisure time. We have a market reputation in the IT industry so if you are good at your work, we can provide an opportunity for you.

IT industry wants a creative talent in their companies. If you have a creative mind then you must pursue in Php programming course. It will help you to brighten up your future. Sketch your creative mind in the Php developer course and earn from your skills. If you have a sharp mind with creative skills then we are here to help to make you so that you can apply your creativity in an appropriate direction.

We also provide best python coaching Jaipur. We give our best to provide you the coaching in the latest technologies and programming languages. Go to python content so that you will understand why you should learn python.


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